This is the BIGGEST Opportunity for ECommerce Business Owners

If you own an ECommerce store and have already started using Google Ads or Meta with some strong results, you’re probably starting to wonder where you can get even more sales. But those are the big platforms, what else is available?

The New Kid on The Block

You should be looking at TikTok. The ads platform has a load of features JUST for Ecommerce and they’re some of the most powerful I’ve looked at. Plus, if you’ve used Meta you’re going to feel right at home on the TikTok Ads Manager - the UX is almost exactly the same and a lot of the same strategies you’ll already be using on Facebook translate nicely over to TikTok.

Unique Audiences

So what makes TikTok so special and such a big opportunity? Two things: the audience and the different ad placements it offers. The audience on TikTok could be a game changer but it depends on your business. People aged 10-19 make up 25% of the platforms’ userbase and users aged 20-29 are 22% of the platform’s audience. If you’re selling something that appeals to Gen-Z and Millennials like sneakers or workout supplements, you can engage those users on TikTok at a fraction of the cost you would on Facebook since CPMs are so much lower.

Innovative Placements

And the placements? Even at their most basic, every ad format is full screen - you’re not sharing the space with any other content or ad in the way you would on Facebook or Google. That’s what makes it so engaging. Beyond that, new placements mean users can start browsing your products directly through the app which shortens the journey to conversion and can lead to some really strong CVRs. TikTok’s constantly rolling out new campaign types for Ecommerce and, for the first time in a while, some of these feel genuinely innovative and I think will give Meta a run for their money. They weave in things like collection ads in a way that makes sense on the platform so it’s the perfect time to jump on these before your competitors do.

Is TikTok Right For You?

One consideration I’d keep in mind is that getting your ads right on TikTok is hard work. The audience doesn’t want to see super polished ads like you probably have on Meta or Google - if you use the same assets you have on there then they’ll likely bomb. Instead, you need to start thinking about what makes sense in TikTok’s feed - this is usually self-filmed, entertaining content. Users on TikTok come to be entertained and educated first and advertised to second, so to really make a splash on the platform you need to be keeping that in mind.

So, the media’s cheap, the tech’s good and targeting options are just as strong as the other big platforms. If your brand’s right for it, jump on TikTok Ads NOW before their CPMs go up!